You poor, misguided soul...
You don't really buy into all that government propaganda, do you? Cocaine can be problematic, sure, but pot? You must be joking. If pot ever really caused an accident, the statistics would pale in comparison to drunk driving deaths. Then again, maybe you're just trying to be humorous, in which case that's alright. But gross inaccuracies and misspellings (which there are an awful lot of) aside, honestly, there's no real animation in this animation other than the horizontal-scrolling credits at the beginning. Work on your art. Work on your tweening. I'm not saying you're hopeless, and I'm certainly not saying this is the worst thing I've ever seen (who could forget those irritating B animations?), but the idea here is to make some practice animations to yourself before you submit your first flash animation. It probably seems a little out of place at this point, but best of luck to you in all that you do in the future.